Parvo Dog Virus Treatment

If not treated, nearly 100% of all puppies and dogs infected with canine parvovirus (CPV) will die. MPA Board Member Michelle Spranger spoke with Dr. Courtney White from Humane Society of Huron Valley to learn how to treat this deadly disease, including the new game-changing Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody by Elanco.

What is Parvo?

Parvo is a highly contagious and deadly disease, but 20% of dog owners aren’t even aware of it, according to a survey done by Elanco. MPA Board Member Michelle Spranger spoke with Dr. Courtney White from Humane Society of Huron Valley to learn more about this deadly disease and how to prevent it.

Parvo Tips for Animal Shelters

Dr. Courtney White from Humane Society of Huron Valley shares tips for animal shelters on how to manage and treat parvo, including the new Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody from Elanco.

How to Teach Your Dog Coin Indication

Is your dog a Scent Scout? Scent Scouts have a real interest and aptitude for searching. They like to use their nose and are ready for more than just search games and puzzles. In this video, you will learn how to play Coin Indication with your dog. Special thanks to Laurie Horn from Sniffing Out Solutions and author of “Scent 4 Shelter Dogs” for helping us produce this video. Happy sniffing!

How to Make a Snuffle Mat

A snuffle mat is a fun and engaging enrichment activity for your dog, cat, ferret, rabbit … any pet with a nose! Let your dog play for just a few minutes a day to tire them out. This is especially a great activity for the winter or a rainy day! Special thanks to Laurie Horn from Sniffing Out Solutions and author of “Scent 4 Shelter Dogs” for helping us produce this video.

Rough Kitten and Cat Play

It can often be difficult to understand if your cats are playing or fighting, causing concern for a lot of cat owners, foster parents, and folks working with cats in a shelter or rescue environment. There are a few things you can look for to have a better idea of when to step in and de-escalate or let them continue playing.

Michigan Animal Abuse Registry & Automatic Forfeiture Process

An exhilarating conversation with Citizens for the Animal Abuse Registry as they discuss a statewide initiative to take on animal abusers in Michigan. Discover how you and your organization can play a role. Michigan Pet Alliance is hosting a panel discussion to explore a 2024 ballot initiative that will create an animal abuse registry and establish timeframes for an automatic forfeiture process.

How to Greet a Cat

What is the best way to greet a cat? It’s fairly simple! If you use some care and watch their body language, while responding to their needs, you can make a friend for life!

Advancing Your Dog’s Skills, Take Training to the Next Level

Do you want to take your dog’s skills to the next level? You might feel like your dog has plateaued and you just can’t move them forward. Or you don’t know how to move them on. In order for your dog to have skills that work in real-life, we need to advance them along. In this video, Kelly gives tips to help you get that success when things get harder.