Michigan Pet Alliance recognizes that continuous education and training are critical to the success of achieving best practices and standards of care for companion animals.
Since 2011, some of our board members have produced a multi-day, multi-track, biennial statewide conference featuring national experts and leaders in animal welfare. In the off year, a daylong topic-specific workshop is produced.
Engage MiPet powered by Michigan Pet Alliance is a series of interactive educational and training events designed to achieve the best quality of life for companion animals.
Events will be hosted online and onsite featuring scientific-based research, useful tools and practical solutions to address the priority challenges faced by animal shelters, home-based rescues, outreach groups, and pet owners to improve the lives of the dogs and cats in their care. The multi-channel activities will be facilitated by industry experts and community leaders who endeavor to create solutions together and strengthen the animal welfare community to speak with a single voice to eliminate abuse and neglect of Michigan’s companion animals.
Members of Michigan Pet Alliance will receive discounted registration fees and will be eligible for special offers.